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I love film making. I studied it for many years while living in Los Angeles. Today, I love taking on video projects that better my community. Below, you will find a combination of videos that I personally shot and edited as well as videos that others have captured of community projects that I have spearheaded. 

The 3 videos below are of my 1994 solo winter crossing that I videotaped and edited for National Geographic. This also includes "the rest of the story" regarding finding my natural family.

I didn't make these videos, but was highly appreciative that others captured these projects that I spearheaded or events where I was a guest speaker.

There is nothing finer than being able to combine my love of filmmaking with community development. Here are 3 Kickstarter video campaigns that I allowed me to do just that.

© 2017 by The Foghorn.  


The opinions expressed by The Foghorn Express are Reinette Senum's, alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the City of Nevada City, its council members or staff, any associations, organizations, boards, commenters, or their pets... any bodies of any sort, whatsoever. 


The Foghorn Express is a forum that is open to debate and hypothesis but believes it is up to each and every citizen to draw his/her conclusions. This blog is simply a launching point for resource sharing, contemplation, and intelligent dialogue to move its readers/commenters towards a deeper awareness and active solutions. 


Any hostile statements, name-calling, unnecessary gang-stalking, hair-pulling, or shin-kicking will not be tolerated.


NO Throwing Sand!


If a commenter cannot maintain the highest standard while in dialogue he/she will hear the first shot across the bow in the form of a formal warning. If another offense occurs, Tonka Toys will promptly be removed, and said offender will be banned from the sandbox.... and, sorry, no more invitations to my birthday parties. 


Please note that I have the right to change my opinion according to the information received; I am a woman.


There are many different paths to the same mountain top, so please be mindful of our respectful paths! 


Understanding and compassion are a process.

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