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Attention Nevada City & Grass Valley Female Business Owners!

Reinette Senum

Put one of these placards into your window to stand in solidarity with women across the nation!

Are you a woman and a business owner? Do you want to stand up for Women's Rights and make a positive difference? Now is your chance! THIS Wednesday is "A Day Without A Woman" and we are calling for all female business owners (and male business owners who want to have our backs) to put one of these two signs into their window for public display. I am proud to be part of helping promote this wonderful event! Come join us in solidarity!

“A Day Without A Woman” and “International Women’s Day” in Nevada County will be celebrated in our own unique way, highlighting the power of women in our local economy, recognizing female owned businesses in rural counties, and stepping up for the rights of all.

We carry on the historical role of this area: 148 years ago, Nevada City resident Ellen Clark Sargent became a national leader in the movement for women’s suffrage. Since then, innumerable other local women have taken on the task and national women’s leaders recognize the area as an activist hub.

Indivisible Women Nevada County (IWNC) knows how much work still needs to be done and welcomes a new era of female leadership as we organize around this action March 8, 2017.

Take the day, take the power!

We will create a positive model & force for gender equality in our county and beyond. There are many way to do this, as diverse as womanhood.

IWNC and Women’s March participants invite Nevada County businesses to celebrate International Women’s Day by considering bold action to highlight specific issues women face around the world and in our own small towns.

As we celebrate our sisterhood, let’s join in giving voice to those who may not have one and support local businesses that support gender equality, diversity, and push for change. Our sizeable economic power in the area gives us a clear seat at the table. On March 8, please consider what you’d like to say with that power and activate new ways to flex the muscle we have in our community.

Women’s March “Day without Women” offers the following guidelines:

1. Women TAKE THE DAY off, from paid and unpaid labor

2. Support local and small women- and minority-owned businesses

3. Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman

Nevada County, with its large number of businesses owned and run by women, offers a unique opportunity for locals to model better practices for the Sacramento area. We encourage women from around Northern California to join us.

We are home to hundreds of small businesses owned by women and will share information on how to support women- and minority-owned local businesses on that day. We will publicly salute women-owned businesses that opt to close that day, and support any business that takes bold action by closing in solidarity or offering the day off to honor their female employees.

We have a list of ideas on how to observe the day and will share participating business information across our platforms and media outreach. There are also events and fundraisers scheduled to support our shared values.

International Women’s Day site states: “Each one of us — with women, men and non-binary people joining forces — can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over.”

For more information on how to participate as a business or volunteer contact Deborah Cohen at

About Nevada City and the 19th Amendment

At the height of the Gold Rush in the 1850s, Nevada City, with a population of 10,000, was the third largest city in the state of California, after San Francisco and Sacramento. Later, in the 1860’s and 1870’s Nevada City would become equally as formidable in its politics when Ellen Clark Sargent and her husband, Senator Aaron A. Sargent resided in Nevada City. It was here in 1878, Senator Sargent, his wife, Ellen Clark Sargent, and their friend, Susan B. Anthony, penned the 29 words in that would later become the 19th Amendment in Nevada City.

The bill calling for that amendment would be introduced unsuccessfully each year for the next forty years until August 26, 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified. The face of the American electorate was changed forever with Nevada City residents playing a significant role in codifying women’s voting rights.

About Indivisible Women Nevada County IWNC is a results-oriented collective of women who are committed to engaging more fully at local, state and national levels to transform our political process. The group, now over 2100 women strong, is made up of women volunteering to improve our current political environment. We come from every walk of life and welcome all women to join us as we move into action together—indivisible.

For more information, visit and


© 2017 by The Foghorn.  

The opinions expressed by The Foghorn Express are Reinette Senum's, alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the City of Nevada City, its council members or staff, any associations, organizations, boards, commenters, or their pets... any bodies of any sort, whatsoever. 


The Foghorn Express is a forum that is open to debate and hypothesis but believes it is up to each and every citizen to draw his/her conclusions. This blog is simply a launching point for resource sharing, contemplation, and intelligent dialogue to move its readers/commenters towards a deeper awareness and active solutions. 


Any hostile statements, name-calling, unnecessary gang-stalking, hair-pulling, or shin-kicking will not be tolerated.

NO Throwing Sand!


If a commenter cannot maintain the highest standard while in dialogue he/she will hear the first shot across the bow in the form of a formal warning. If another offense occurs, Tonka Toys will promptly be removed, and said offender will be banned from the sandbox.... and, sorry, no more invitations to my birthday parties. 


Please note that I have the right to change my opinion according to the information received; I am a woman.

There are many different paths to the same mountain top, so please be mindful of our respectful paths! 


Understanding and compassion are a process.

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