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Dear Friends & Supporters,

I've been relatively quiet on this website for some time. Not because I have been lazy. In fact, I've been busier than ever: Making game-changing plans.

I have been traveling up and down the state, listening to citizens for a year now, and I feel that for the first time in a very long time Californians have an opportunity to do something extraordinary come June 7th, 2022; California's primary election.

BUT, we need you and all of your friends, followers, and peers who understand the dangerous precipice we are dangling over. We are less than 5 months away before ballots are mailed out for the primary elections. Most Californians don’t even realize this.

Generally, it takes 5 points of contact with a candidate before somebody will donate. We don’t have that kind of time, and with the unhinged censorship we have been enduring we have to do things very differently.

It was on January 10th that my official California gubernatorial Instagram page was removed without warning. Before then, our campaign hashtag, WakeTheBearCA and ElectReinette were completely shadow-banned as well. All media outlets won’t mention my campaign unless, strangely enough, they connect it to the January 6th DC insurrection — never mind I wasn’t there or had anything to do with it. But facts don’t matter during an era of fabrication and lies.

So, this is where you come in. Word of mouth is extraordinarily powerful during a time of censorship.

Firstly, will you please forward this email and press release, below, to a minimum of 5 people, asking them to do the same? The only way we are going to get around this unfettered banning is through people such as yourself. You are the bullhorn! Do you know anyone who has a big following? Has a radio show or podcast? Is an independent journalist? This is a campaign of The People, for The People, by The People. We need all the voices we can get to sidestep this tyrannical censorship.

Secondly, please donate, if you haven’t already (and if you have, thank you SO MUCH). Donations at the beginning of the campaign are critical as we work to spread the word about this campaign. So, donating early is vital to our survival and success.

Lastly, if you have a following, please talk up this campaign, throw this announcement into your social media feed, and send people to!

Check out our press release, and let everyone across California and the US know that there is hope on the horizon in California. We simply need to act on it, now.

Campaign website:

Personal Website:


Press Release

January 19th, 2022

For Immediate Release

Reinette Senum for CA Governor 2022


Reinette Senum Announces

Candidacy for California Governor 2022

Former two-time mayor and city council woman, Reinette Senum, has officially announced her bid for California Governor of 2022. Ms. Senum, an outspoken community activist and opponent of corruption for nearly 20 years, filed with the Secretary of State in August of 2021, though there was no official announcement at the time.

Ms. Senum is running without any political party affiliation because, “It is impossible to serve a party and serve the people simultaneously.”

Her campaign slogan is “I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican. I’m a Californian.”

Ms. Senum has spent the last year traveling up and down the state of California, meeting citizens from all party affiliations and backgrounds.

“It has become very clear to me as I meet Californians from all walks of life, that they are done with the two-party system, the corruption, the crime, the homelessness, the destruction of the middle class, the government overreach, the taxes, the censorship and lack of transparency, and they are done with Big Money interfering with what was once representative government.”

Ms. Senum’s platform is also child centric, in that it underscores how every decision we make today should serve seven generations from now. This concept was inspired by the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy that led to the formation of the US Constitution and our nation’s representative democracy.

The Seventh Generation philosophy supports the “bond of community, promotes stability, and provides concrete values with which each person can test his or her everyday actions.”

However, our forefathers excluded two critical components of this constitutional-vessel, the anchor and the compass. The compass being the Seventh Generation principle, and the anchor being the elders: Whose wisdom should be included in the decision-making process, drawing upon the last seven generations so as to ensure a bountiful future for our children’s children.

“As it currently stands, our children do not have a future,” stated Ms. Senum. “I intend on changing that.”

When asked who her biggest competitor is in the gubernatorial race, Ms. Senum will tell you, “It’s not a person, it’s a thing: Censorship.”

Like many Americans around the nation, Senum has been subjected to aggressive social media shadow-banning, de-platforming, and most recently, her official gubernatorial Instagram page was removed without warning on January 10th.

“This level of censorship is reserved for despots and dictators and does not represent freedom of speech or a free nation.” Ms. Senum added, “It’s very clear that my campaign is a threat to this growing tyranny, otherwise those censoring would simply ignore me.”

In spite of the attempt to silence her, Ms. Senum continues her campaign, sharing her 30-page Contract With Californians that contains a 7-point plan. Ms. Senum’s Contract with Californians is a living document that embodies and celebrates the inherent value of always making decisions with an eye to the next seven generations:

1. Natural Resources Stewardship

2. Food and Farms

3. Common Sense Education

4. Real Public Health and Individual Wellbeing

5. Durable Economic Growth

6. Vibrant Communities

7. New Civic Engagement

“At the very least,” added Ms. Senum, “as a gubernatorial candidate in a state that is in such serious crisis, the most sensible thing I can do is let the California electorate know what they are voting for. I am doing this by providing a clear, measurable, and common-sense pathway forward before voters ever submit their ballot.

Now is the time, and Californians are waking up to the fact that they can no longer continue voting for a different wing of the same bird. The two-party system has failed us, and if we continue to vote as we always have, and don’t course-correct come June 7th 2022, life in California will only become more unbearable.”

2022 is the year Californians stand up and say “not on my watch,” and take back our state.

* * *


Jun 05, 2022

I am reminded of a quote that speaks to the inertia of an institution that has made itself impervious to the singular influence of the one "Statesman" in the crowd:

"...The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies... is a foolish idea. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound change or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years, if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same policies.”

Professor Carroll Quigley, Librarian and Archivist to…


Jun 05, 2022

Some years back, I was the owner of an internet radio network called, Liberty and Freedom Radio. In the 2010 and 2012 elections I had the privilege of conducting interviews with the independents and outliers to the elections. These candidates where idealistic with dreams of tilting at the windmills of the establishment. I asked very tough questions that mainstream candidates would never allow to be asked in their scripted interviews. But my first question was always to explain that every congressional candidate who first got into an office, assuming they were not a defacto-plant of the system into the election process would always come into office with the best of intentions. Of course, over time, any voter with two functi…


Jan 19, 2022

You are AUDACIOUS!!! Very COOL. I thought you lived in Nevada, for some reason... previous public office?

Anyway, I'm not in California any longer. I left in the early 90's to step off the railroad tracks in avoidance of where the train is now... nevertheless, I know many folks out there and will pass your news along...

Wait 'til they discover your two interviews with Sherri Tenpenny. Depending on where we are in the Covid Plandemic scam, you will either be a shoo-in for the job or someone less suitable... :)

GO GIRL!!!! California needs all the help it can get!



Jan 19, 2022
Replying to

Thanks for the support. I was a two-time mayor and city council member of Nevada City.... California. The state was actually named after our town.


© 2017 by The Foghorn.  

The opinions expressed by The Foghorn Express are Reinette Senum's, alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the City of Nevada City, its council members or staff, any associations, organizations, boards, commenters, or their pets... any bodies of any sort, whatsoever. 


The Foghorn Express is a forum that is open to debate and hypothesis but believes it is up to each and every citizen to draw his/her conclusions. This blog is simply a launching point for resource sharing, contemplation, and intelligent dialogue to move its readers/commenters towards a deeper awareness and active solutions. 


Any hostile statements, name-calling, unnecessary gang-stalking, hair-pulling, or shin-kicking will not be tolerated.

NO Throwing Sand!


If a commenter cannot maintain the highest standard while in dialogue he/she will hear the first shot across the bow in the form of a formal warning. If another offense occurs, Tonka Toys will promptly be removed, and said offender will be banned from the sandbox.... and, sorry, no more invitations to my birthday parties. 


Please note that I have the right to change my opinion according to the information received; I am a woman.

There are many different paths to the same mountain top, so please be mindful of our respectful paths! 


Understanding and compassion are a process.

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