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Yuba River Shuttle Coming To Nevada County!

Reinette Senum

I'm pretty excited to announce though disappointed I will miss sitting at the city council table tonight to approve this; Nevada County is getting a Yuba River shuttle called the Yuba Bus.

Shuttle bus owners are longtime residents Dave Preston and Brett Dotson. The Yuba Bus graphic designer is Brett's wife, Kathy Dotson, former Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival maven! What a fabulous team!

Dotson and Preston are intending to secure pick up zones up at the Rood Center, the Inn Town Campground, and if approved by the Nevada City City Council tonight, in front of Robinson Plaza in downtown Nevada City.

The eco-friendly shuttle will be picking up every hour and will make trips to the 49 Crossing Bridge.

The shuttle will also be able to pick up groups and drop off anywhere in Nevada County and surrounding areas. They will have a schedule of trips to popular local destinations, including brewery and winery trips. Also included will be kayak and mountain bike drop offs and pick-ups with a complete Yuba Bus Tour schedule to come.

Their ultimate goal? In the near future, they hope to be zero emissions and charging the vehicles from the new Nevada City solar installation at the Rood Center. With Brett Dotson's solar expertise, this is most possible!

Congratulations for the bringing the dream to reality!



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The Foghorn Express is a forum that is open to debate and hypothesis but believes it is up to each and every citizen to draw his/her conclusions. This blog is simply a launching point for resource sharing, contemplation, and intelligent dialogue to move its readers/commenters towards a deeper awareness and active solutions. 


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Understanding and compassion are a process.

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